Network of Women in Marine Science

Who can be a Member?

  • Membership is open to women marine scientists only, at any stage of their career, regardless of whether they are professionals (employed, not employed, or self-employed), undergraduate or post-graduate students.

  • All disciplinary backgrounds and/or specialisations within or applied to the marine sciences and environments[1] are welcome. 

  • The number of members of the network should be unrestricted.

  • All female members of the WIOMSA shall be given the option to join in the WiMS network at the time of registration or renewal of their membership to WIOMSA. Membership to the WIOMSA is necessary for joining the WiMS network.

  • Women marine scientists should apply for membership as individuals rather than through their institutions 

  • Membership to the WiMS network is open to women working and living anywhere in the world.

  • Each member will develop a personal professional profile that can be searched for developing collaborations.

[1] Included here are the following disciplines, environments and fields of application:

  • Physical Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Biological Oceanography (incl. Microbiology, Plankton and Fisheries), Marine Zoology (e.g. micro-organisms, benthic biodiversity, top predators), Marine Geology, Marine Ecology, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Political Sciences; Coastal, Marine, Estuarine Environments; Capture Fisheries, Aquaculture, Environmental Conservation, Coastal Zone Management, Coastal Community and Economic Development, Gender.

This list is not exhaustive, nor limiting.

Rights and Duties of Members:

  • Members have the right to vote to elect members of the Steering Committee.
  • Members shall contribute to the life and activities of the network to the best of their ability.
  • Members shall also help promote the network among their peers and the wider scientific community whenever possible.

Membership Fee:

  • No annual membership fee to the WiMS network shall be paid by current or joining members of the WIOMSA.
  • Membership to the WIOMSA will confer the right to join the WiMS network at no additional cost. 
Not yet a WIOMSA Member?

Click here to read more about WIOMSA memberships and to register as a member.