We are proudly announcing the launch of our brand-new website for the Network of Women in Marine Science: wims.wiomsa.org!
On this website, you will be able to learn more about WiMS and the work that we do to achieve our mission “To provide women in marine sciences with a platform to share experiences, challenges and solutions, celebrate their achievements, and promote their visibility within and outside the Western Indian Ocean region”. You will also get to meet the members in the Steering Committee of WiMS.
On this website, member of WiMS will gain access to a member only page where they will be able to set up profiles, create forums and groups, discuss current topics, search for collaborators and network with other women marine scientists from around the world. We want this members only page to be a safe place for women where they can connect and share experiences and challenges with other women marine scientists.
We hope that younger women will feel that this page can be a source of inspiration and motivation to pursue careers in marine science. We also hope that this page can help us increase the participation of women marine scientists in research projects and decision-making bodies. That more women are invited as keynote speakers and as members of expert panels. We want to increase the visibility of women marine scientists and share their stories.
Welcome to wims.wiomsa.org. We hope you will like the website as much as we do!
Do you have any feedback on our site? Send a message to wi**@wi****.org with your comments.