Network of Women in Marine Science

Inclusive management for sustainability!

New publication by a WiMS member, Maricela de la Torre-Castro, on “Inclusive Management Through Gender Consideration in Small-Scale Fisheries: The Why and the How”

As the world is busy trying to save the world from environmental degradation and climate collapse, a management approach (not completely tested yet) has the potential to help the situation! Most of management initiatives to handle natural resources have focused on men activities and thus management plans and financial support goes to those. But women (and children and elders) are in the same way resource users and stewards of Nature. In this work, the idea of “Inclusive management” is introduced. Inclusive management is any management initiative that consciously and explicitly considers gender diversity. The reasons about why this is good are reviewed and exposed and then how to make the inclusion is thoroughly developed. A generic model for coastal resource management is presented so managers and researchers can work with these challenges. It is our hope that this new approach can contribute to move more rapidly towards a sustainable use of our coastal and ocean resources!

Read the article HERE

About the author:

Maricela is an associate professor at Stockholm University at the Department of Physical Geography. She is the head of the Landscape/Seascape ecology Master program and researches intensively in different coastal related problems of the WIO. Maricela has worked, for more than two decades in coastal related aspects. Specifically on seagrasses as social-ecological systems, sea cucumber fisheries, gender in coastal areas and in general, she is interested in institutions and governance for better coastal sustainability and poverty alleviation.


Full citation: 
de la Torre-Castro, 2019. Inclusive management through gender consideration in small-scale fisheries: The why and the how. Frontiers of Marine Research Vol. 6. Article 156.