In a series of posts the last couple of weeks we have introduced you to the members of the Steering Committee of WiMS. Today we will introduce you to the last person of the current, and first, Steering Committee of WiMS – Volanirina Ramahery. Volanirina is the Director of Nexus Madagascar Company and the country representative for Madagascar in the Steering Committee.
Why did you decide to join WiMS?
More young women get interested in working in marine and coastal science. What could hold them back is the thought that marine work is for men and they won’t be able to have a family of their own or will have to choose between a career and family later. I decided to join WiMS as I’m convinced that this initiative will inspire and support women marine scientists fulfil their professional aspirations without giving up on their personal goals.
Each of the members of the SC are appointed for 3 years. What would you like to achieve during your time in the Steering Committee?
Support young women scientists in Madagascar by sharing my own experience, being the link between women scientists in and out of the country, sharing opportunities for capacity building and giving them advice on their career path and personal life.
Why should women marine scientists join WiMS?
This is a platform that make information easily accessible and facilitating networking within the Western Indian Ocean.
Do you have any advice for young women planning to pursue careers in marine science?
Go for it. Ask questions, find mentors & be an inspiration to others. There will be challenges that with perseverance, you’ll overcome.
That is great Vola